Capital Fund

Triman Capital becomes involved in the governance of the companies in which we invest, usually by taking an active role at the Board of Directors level. The partners managing our fund have extensive experience in corporate finance, private equity, venture capital and seed financing. When a partner company engages our merchant banking business, we agree to raise capital on behalf of a client company and we invest our own money alongside other investors, typically as the lead investor.

Our Capital Fund seeks out transactions where it can add value and generate superior returns for all of our partners. Our principals have extensive experience with a wide variety of transactions and have combined expertise in corporate finance, valuations, law and operational management. In a typical transaction, Triman Capital raises funds that its client use for a “game changing” event. We often look to take a seat on the client’s board of directors and provide strategic guidance and expertise. Moving forward, Triman Capital may assist in another transaction such as follow-up round of financing. Ultimately 3-5 years we look for liquidity of our investments through an IPO, a takeover, a strategic divestiture, or otherwise. Triman Capital’s Fund direct principal investments range from $5,000,000 to $15,000,000.

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